The FH Portal is a service provided by Forrester-Hyde Limited which provides our clients with a clear, secure, uncomplicated view of their investments.
Everything Summarised - The FH Portal provides a snapshot of your investments and an easy navigation point to everything you need such as the current valuation, historical performance, news and updates, secure messages as well as online document storage.
Keeping Track – The FH Portal makes it straightforward to keep track of how your investments are performing, with valuations updated daily as well a breakdown of the portfolio and historical performance data. Your assets managed by Forrester-Hyde will be listed initially but you can also choose to include other assets, such as your home or savings and investments which you manage personally, if you wish.
Data Protection – Forrester-Hyde Limited take the security of your personal and financial information very seriously and the FH Portal makes sure that your data is safeguarded using bank level security and encryption. The FH Portal is further protected with your own six-digit pin and registered to your personal device.
Secure Communications – Important messages and updates are provided via secure, encrypted messaging. You will receive notifications on your smartphone/tablet to prompt you to login and check important messages that Forrester-Hyde have sent you. You can respond accordingly or issue new messages to us securely, removing the risk of email traffic.
Online Documents – Forrester-Hyde can share documents and reports with you via the FH Portal and vice-versa. You can also safely and securely store copies of your important documents online, providing you and your family with reassurance and instant access in the event of an emergency.
The FH Portal makes understanding and keeping track of your money both easy and safe and is available to clients of Forrester-Hyde Limited.
If you don't already have access to your own Forrester-Hyde account, please contact the team at